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费丽丝蒂 第二季

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费丽丝蒂 第二季剧情介绍

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    欢迎观看最新好看的美国费丽丝蒂 第二季全集,新四零视频第一时间为你,费丽丝蒂 第二季在线观看,如果你喜费丽丝蒂 第二季美剧请把它分享给你身边的朋友,有您的支持,我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!

      Season 2, Episode 1: Sophomoric
      Original Air Date—26 September 1999
      Felicity starts her second year at college with a possible new relationship, and the aftermath of her decision to cope with. Elsewhere, housing shortages cause unusual living arrangements.
      Season 2, Episode 2: The List
      Original Air Date—3 October 1999
      Ben worries about Felicity's expectations of him, Sean and Julie throw a party, and Felicity tries unsuccessfully to counsel one of her charges.
      Season 2, Episode 3: Ancient History
      Original Air Date—10 October 1999
      Felicity's decision about her hair leads to even more life changes, Julie looks for an apartment, and Noel takes an art class.
      Season 2, Episode 4: The Depths
      Original Air Date—17 October 1999
      A stalled subway train forces Felicity and Julie to confront each other, Noel and Ruby go to an art show, and Ben stands up to a client.
      Season 2, Episode 5: Crash
      Original Air Date—24 October 1999
      Noel and Elena become obsessed with a video game, Felicity goes out on a blind date set up by her professor, and Ben is confused by Maggie's actions.
      Season 2, Episode 6: The Love Bug
      Original Air Date—7 November 1999
      Felicity, Ben, and Noel each deal with uncertainties in their individual relationships, and Mono hits campus just in time for mid-terms.
      Season 2, Episode 7: Getting Lucky
      Original Air Date—14 November 1999
      A stray dog Felicity picks up on the street impinges on everyone's lives, and provides her with plenty of excuses for not taking the next step with David.
      Season 2, Episode 8: Family Affairs
      Original Air Date—21 November 1999
      Holiday gatherings are difficult for Felicity and Ben. Ben, because he has to work a party given by Maggie's husband, and Felicity feels pressure from an unexpected family visit and from David.
      Season 2, Episode 9: Portraits
      Original Air Date—19 December 1999
      Felicity and Noel struggle against feelings for each other while worrying how their actions will affect their grade, Ruby makes a surprise visit, Julie meets a music producer, and Ben is on short-time to complete a final in American Lit.
      Season 2, Episode 10: Great Expectations
      Original Air Date—16 January 2000
      Felicity's father accepts a position in town, and his never-ending presence begins to grate, Ben reconsiders his decision about Felicity, and Julie begins to doubt the intentions of Erik.
      Season 2, Episode 11: Help for the Lovelorn
      Original Air Date—23 January 2000
      This episode, a tribute to The Twilight Zone, follows Felicity as she tries to heal her broken heart and strange doings at The Clinic.
      Season 2, Episode 12: The Slump
      Original Air Date—6 February 2000
      Ben and Felicity are forced into counseling for their prank at the pool, Elena gets a new lab partner, and Noel's argument with Ruby is more serious than he thought.
      Season 2, Episode 13: Truth or Consequences
      Original Air Date—13 February 2000
      Season 2, Episode 14: True Colors
      Original Air Date—20 February 2000
      Season 2, Episode 15: Things Change
      Original Air Date—27 February 2000
      Season 2, Episode 16: Revolutions
      Original Air Date—5 April 2000
      Season 2, Episode 17: Docuventary II
      Original Air Date—12 April 2000
      Season 2, Episode 18: Party Lines
      Original Air Date—19 April 2000
      Season 2, Episode 19: Running Mates
      Original Air Date—26 April 2000
      Season 2, Episode 20: Ben Was Here
      Original Air Date—3 May 2000
      Season 2, Episode 21: The Aretha Theory
      Original Air Date—10 May 2000
      Season 2, Episode 22: Final Answer
      Original Air Date—17 May 2000
      Season 2, Episode 23: The Biggest Deal There Is
      Original Air Date—24 May 2000

    费丽丝蒂 第二季全集在线观看由优酷、土豆、爱奇艺、搜狐视频等友情提供,在线观看费丽丝蒂 第二季全集在线观看之前需要先下载安装播放器。播放器支持目前网络上大多主流媒体格式的视频、音频文件,支持实现本地播放和在线点播,是您休闲娱乐的伙伴,让您的工作与生活充满乐趣,为您提供优秀的视听服务。费丽丝蒂 第二季美剧全集费丽丝蒂 第二季全集在线观看观看内容由新四零视频(www.42pu.com)为大家搜集整理于互联网,转载请注明出处,谢谢合作。
