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    Siren Phillips has lived her life thinking she's an ordinary girl, in an ordinary town. On the eve of her twelfth birthday, however, she learns that she is far from ordinary. Destined to turn into a Mermaid at the age of twelve, Siren must struggle with her new reality, saying good-bye to her mother and friends, while she transitions into the water. To make matters worse, a group of hunters are trying to catch her. She soon becomes friends with Adam Wilts, a new boy at school, who she turns to for help. He agrees to help her, but finds himself caught in the middle, when it's his own father who is after Siren. When Siren's mother is taken, the town must rally behind her, and help her make a peaceful transition into the water, before the hunters can find out where she is.

    2017最新剧情片美人鱼是真实的电影完整版,美人鱼是真实的高清完整版是Emmy Perry 摩根·费尔切尔德 伊丽莎白·霍尔姆 杰克·迪伦·格雷泽 Nikki Hahn 斯蒂芬·斯内登 主演,新四零视频提供美人鱼是真实的在线观看和美人鱼是真实的迅雷下载服务,包括预告片,视频,上映时间,剧情,导演,演员,影评,海报剧照,新闻资讯等美人鱼是真实的完整电影信息。
