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    上一篇:空前劫后漫天飞 下一篇:空巢也疯狂

    A sassy parrot and a free-spirited librarian upend the well-ordered life of a solitary man. Lyman (Jackson Hurst) is a loner, working the graveyard shift for the Courtesy Patrol. When a green parrot flies in to his trailer he becomes obsessed with finding its owner, which leads him to Fiona(Rachel Nichols). She has been eyeing Lyman from a distance and decides to help with his parrot search, whether he wants her to or not. Along with her basset hound, they set out on a quest to find the bird’s previous owners and Fiona begins to unravel the mysteries of Lyman's past. But when Fiona joins Lyman on his nightly rounds, she witnesses a reality more intense than the romantic version she had envisioned.

    2011最新剧情片空中的飞鸟电影完整版,空中的飞鸟高清完整版是瑞秋·尼科尔斯 杰克逊·赫斯特 安贾妮特·科默 主演,新四零视频提供空中的飞鸟在线观看和空中的飞鸟迅雷下载服务,包括预告片,视频,上映时间,剧情,导演,演员,影评,海报剧照,新闻资讯等空中的飞鸟完整电影信息。
